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Kaunas (Lithuania) and Paris (do I need to specify the country?), January 2012

When not having any real holiday, we had to make the most of it within one weekend and 3 days I had been able to get away from work because I had been on-call a LOT. Luckily, we are very compact travelers :-D

My (travel and life) companion A had no idea where we were heading to when my cousin Pirkko drove us to Tampere-Pirkkala airport. When in there, I gave A an envelope which contained the plane ticketsto Kaunas, Lithuania. I had been overwhelmingly excited about going on vacation for weeks ahead, and A's face was like, "What the heck, is this all you've been fussing about for three months??!!??", so I felt I HAD to give her the 2nd envelope - plane tickets to PARIS! She was so excited! Which is good, as it sucks to be excited all alone :-D

So, we arrived to Kaunas, Lithuania a bit before midnight. I had pre-booked a hostel in Karmelava,on the outskirts of Kaunas, near the airport. It was called Anele's Bed and Breakfast, and it was advertised as the newest B'n'B in Kaunas. I had no idea HOW new exactly - the kitchen wasn't even done and we were obviously the very first guests there! The rooms were HUGE (we got to pick :-D), the common area was so beautiful! The building itself was a brand-new huge two-storey house by "the only road in Kaunas which doesn't have street lights", as our VERY eccentric hostess Anele was telling in Russian the Russian couple she picked up with us from the airport - at this point, we didn't reveal we speak a bit of Russian too :-D Anele asked us what our plans are for the following day, and as I told her we'll be going to Paris, she was genuinely surprised: "Why?? We have everything you want right here in Kaunas!" Well, there haven't been many times when I couldn't think of anything to say, but seriously, how can you respond to that???
                                         Anele's B'n'B at dawn

As the kitchen wasn't done, we agreed to come to the street the next morning at 9am for breakfast.She asked us what we would like to have for breakfast, which I thought wa a little peculiar, but  so was she and I am a big fan of peculiar, so we said fried eggs and toast. I thought she was going to take us somewhere, but A said she understood (from Russian) that we have to go to the house across the street. Stubborn as I am, I insisted she (Anele) said to meet her in the front of the house. I was still standing there at 9.15 am, when an old fat man without a shirt drove by in a miniature catepillar thing and gestured and shouted in Russian to go to the house across the street. We take a look at the house, and there was Anele, waving at us :-) It turned out she lived there (and the half-naked guy was her husband). She had made us an enormous and extremely delicious breakfast with omelettes, tea, coffee, toast with butter and/or jam, pechenye (Russian-style cookies)...

After breakfast, she made us to watch an introduction film of Lithuania (3 minutes, she said - try more like 15!!). We had a flight to catch, so she offered to take us to the airport (Kauno Oro Uostas in Lithuanian language :-)  ), but it was a good weather and the airport was not very far away, so we decided to walk instead.

The flight to Paris was about 2-and-a-half hours so I took a nap. I had pre-booked a hotel in my beloved Montmartre area. The hotel was a 2-star place, not fancy in any manner, but it had a shower with hot water, 2 beds and a toilet, and the location was beyond excellent - really close to Sacre Coeur basilica - so we were happy <3
                                         Sacre Coeur at night

We had a mission in Paris: my friend Katerina (Kata) and I have started this our own version of "Amazing Race" (the tv-show, sans the tv but plenty of the show!!): when abroad, we give each others some chores to do. Kata's chore to us: take a picture in which the following can be seen: the most popular sight in Paris,, a baquette, a barrette hat, a striped shirt and a smelly cheese.We almost pulled it through, but it's amazing how difficult it is to find a striped shirt in Paris!
We knew Kata and her husband were coming to Paris for Easter, so we hid a little cylinder containing a piece of smelly cheese and a letter behind this:

                                         The tomb of Alexander Dumas's (fils) courtisan lover,
                                         Alphonsine Plessis, Cimetáire de Montmartre

(Later, Kata did find the place based on a very shady clue, but the cylinder was not there anymore - I blame the cats on the cemetary. Stupid of me to put cheese in it..)

We saw all the "musts" in Paris: Eiffel, Notre Dame, Arc de Triumh, Champs-Elysees... We both have been to Paris previously, so we had already seen all the main attractions. A is not a big fan (not even a little fan..) of museums, so I skipped Louvre this time :-/   ( could spend DAYS exploring it!!).

                                                   Jim Morrison sounds a lot more cooler than
                                                   James Douglas Morrison, but it's the same dude

                                                   Asta by the tomb of the Sparrow of Paris, Edith Piaf

                                                   Place de Concorde
                                                   Notre Dame isn't that small in real life, it's just the angle...

From Paris, we flew back to Kaunas. This time we had a day and a half to explore the city, but it was a Sunday, so everything was closed, and it was a tad too cold so it wasn't that enjoyable to stay outside either. Kaunas itself was ok, but if you really want to enjoy Kaunas you shouldn't have breakfast in Paris first... After Paris everything else feels like blaaaaahhh...

The staircase in Hotel Metropol in Kaunas

                                       A view in our room at the Old-time-glamour-oozing hotel Metropol
                                       in   Kaunas. This old photo thing is actually the wall aroud the bathroom

                                         Kaunas church in it's Christmas glory (the green decorations
                                         were actually made of plastic bottle bottoms joined together with
                                         bundle ties, but the result was pretty groovy!)

                                                   "Honey, did you get the chips and the pretzels and the nachos and the
                                                    cheese puffs and the breadsticks and the dried fish??"
                                                   Wait, WHAAAAAT??

                                         by Kaunas Castle


When in Rome....

Long time no blogged!
It's about the time to add a few new experiences in this blog.

I made plenty of gifts for the Christmas past, but stupid-o me, didn't photograf them. Wonder why.

Anyway,   I wanted to share this wonderful experience with you. For my B-day this year, I went to the Eternal City - to ROME!!! Yeah, Rome, as in ITALY!!! Actually, it was 2 countries in one trip - Vatican counts for a country, right? Ask the Pope ;-)

The trip was AMAZING! 5 days of breathing in the ambience, the history, the sights... I spent a few monthsin Rome as a child, but I was 3, so don't remember much.

There are 6 things I can remember from my previous trip to Rome in  1979:

1) We went to this restaurant in a basement of a Roman house. I had spaghetti Bolognese, and I got a free Mickey Mouse -shaped ice cream for dessert. (Couldn't spot that restaurant - or should I say RISTORANTE - this time).

2) I got terrible stomach pains after eating too much doughnuts under the scorching sun. Luckily, I had a red umbrella to protect me from the sun.

3) I was promised a trip to a swimming hall, which was a previously unheard treat for me. The pool house was closed that day, and it broke my little 3-year-old heart.

4. I couldn't get in the St.Peter's Church in Vatican. The reason? I was dressed impropriately. I had a sleeveless shir and a skirt with the hem ABOVE my knees. How sinful for me. I was 3 yo, for crying out loud!!!

Proof: I'm IN!!! (and decently dressed)

5. After the trauma of not getting to swim in a swim hall pool for the 1st time of my life, my parents took me, an animall lover freak even back then, to see horses. As I was petting them, one tried to bite me. Mom grabbed me to safe, and the horse ended up having a taste on my Mom's knee instead.

6. This is the saddest story of the first 25-or-so years of my life.
We were visitibg Fontana di Trevi. I had a lovely red pacifier aka soother, nappy...) which gave me great comfort. This little boy of African descent was obviously jealou of my red pacifier, since he yanked it from my mouth and threw it to the Fontana di Trevi!!! I just couldn't stop crying!!! Especially when Mommy told me that pacifiers are not sold in Italy and that was the one and only pacifier they had brought with us from Finland. I never had a taste of a pacifier in my life ever since.

With all my respect, Mommydearest, but you are a BIGFATLIAR!!!¨
When in Rome this time around, I spotted a baby with a pacifier. I sent a SMS to Mom, saying that I knew she was lying back then, as I saw a baby with one. She responded, the baby must've been travelling abroad with her parents and gotten it from there.
Ok, I sorta bought that for a while, but then I had to go   to a pharmacy and saw pacifiers were sold in there!!!
Explain THIS to me, Mommy!!!

So, I went to look for my pacifier in the Fontana di Trevi. Didn't find it. Lucky, I think - it would've been rather slimy by now.

But, behold!
I spotted this decades-old buggy horse by the Colosseum, with a really old, worn-out red pacifier hanging from a yarn around her neck!!! I just couldn't stop laughing! Iwonder, was it mine???

Me, Fontana di Trevi - and no pacifier.

The First Trip of 2012:

4th - 8th of January
to: Kaunas (Lithuania) and
Paris (France)

But shhhhhh!!! Don't say it out loud! It's still a secret! My love / travel companion doesn't know the destinations yet!!!


Some "Did-it-myselves" from the years past

I crocheted this handbag for my sister Kiti a few years back. The instructions are from "Stitch'n'Bitch", a kick-a**-corheting book.

It took me 1,5 years to complete this Russian Orthodox icon. Countless hours of teeny tiny details, scratching off and painting thin layer after thin layer. The gold layer was put onto it's place using the very old methods using garlic oil and wheat bread! I gave this to my Mom and Stepdad for Christmas a couple of years ago.

My 1st cross-stitch work since I was a child (never completed that Smurf pillow I started when I was around 8 y.o.). This presents our Oili the horse and her angel-baby Eevi. I gave this to my sis Kiti.

Welcome! Tervetuloa! Willkommen! Välkommen! Teretulemas! Tulgua terveh! добро пожаловать! Bienvenu! Benvenuta! いらっしゃいませ !

Welcome to my brand new blog! For years I have been following some of my friends' blogs and always thought it would be nice to have one. Yep, it took me years to realize there's absolutely no reason at all why I couldn't do this aswell. Except that I'm not a wizard with computers, and there machines and I have always shared a love-hate-relationship on a 20-80 -ratio (respectively), but I'll do my best :-)

In my blog I've decided to cover my travels, handicrafts I've managed to do with these itsy bitsy hands of mine, and some surprisingly well whipped up meals I'´ve managed to prepare using my own (created by me or modified to suit me) recipes. Also, I wouldn't be me if I did't brag about my ever-so-cute-and-smart pets :-D